
P Rithvik Akash,National Award Press Meet

 Rithvik Aakash.YOUNG CADET FROM ANNANAGAR CREATES HISTORY IN CUBE WORLD J.P Rithvik Aakash,a student of  R.Chandrika-World Master of Rubik's has punched his mark in the record history by solving MOST TYPES OF RUBIK'S CUBES IN LEAST TIME. He was awarded the record from INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS AND WORLD RECORDS INDIA.He  has learnt HOW To SOLVE RUBIK'S CUBE?from DHARSHAN ACADEMY a Rubik's cube class in Annanagar,Chennai. R.Chandrika Cube is the coacher,She is also the president of TAMILNADU CUBE ASSOCIATION. R.Chandrika knows to solve more than 100 Rubik's Cube,She also trains the students of Dharshan Academy and Cubeskool to solve rubik's cube in a easy way with easy Formulae J.P Rithvik  has been honored with the record from the hands of Mr.Aarya-a leading film actor and producer of kollywod cinema and Mrs.Salma-a famous woman poem writer. J.P.Rithvik Aakash has solved 15 types of Rubik's cube in least time and created the history.